CPA, CA | cware@waretax.com
So What’s the Story Here?
I’m a second-generation Chartered Professional Accountant who got fed up with the lack of support for people facing complicated cross-border tax headaches. Too often, these clients were ignored, either because their situations were too nuanced or their bank balances didn’t measure up for the Big Banks or the downtown tax firms. This practice is my way of pushing back against that nonsense.
How It All Started
Was I always a grumpy tax guy? Not always. Before the suit-and-tie gig, I spent some time carpentering and building log houses on a tiny island on the Gulf Coast. Also spent some time as a cowboy and guide on the ranchlands of Alberta and in the mountains of British Columbia. After an incident with a horse and a river, I decided that education is a good thing. Also decided that the opportunity to step into a second-generation cross-border tax practice was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and probably a smart choice. (Morgan Freeman narrating voice: “And it was.”)
The Credentials
Schooling? Sure. Graduate of the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology. Advanced Certificate in Accounting from the Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia. Graduate of the last class to get the Canadian Chartered Accountant designation. Practising member of the Alberta Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants, CPA Canada, and an AICPA International Associate member.
What I Do Today
These days, I untangle tax headaches for clients across Canada and the US, from NHL players and real estate investors to entrepreneurs and multinational firms. Whether it’s CRA audits, IRS penalties, or niche cross-border filings, I’ve spent years building a tax practice focused on clarity and results, without the marketing BS or downtown posturing.
When I’m not solving tax problems, I write, podcast, and pretend to know what I’m doing at www.canadiantaxpodcast.ca.