Book A Meeting

You have a cross-border issue, but are sick of googling and endlessly reading forums and nonsense AI spam threads? You want to talk to a real person, who can give you real answers?

Let's Chat - No Strings Attached (But No Formal Tax Advice Either.)

Have some questions about your cross-border tax situation? Wondering if you even need to involve a cross-border CPA for your file? Book a 30-minute chat with me. It's informal, no pressure. We'll discuss your concerns, see if I can assist, and you can decide if it's a good fit for you or not.

Why Choose Us?

Because we are really good at solving all of the problems associated with these types of files. The taxable income and forex calculations, the FTC claims, the efile headaches and admin, the yearly CRA and IRS follow-up reviews. I make all of these problems go away for you, without you having to do anything.

Ready to Get Started?

Step 1 is filling out our Cross-Border Questionnaire below.